Local Network of Cities
In the age of the internet and mobile devices, we have the power of information at the tips of our fingers at any time. As such, the traditional printed phone books and city guides have gradually dissipated into the past now that the internet has become the go-to place for reference.
Information is Scattered
Internet search engines and social media platforms have become the mainstream method of finding information that we need in the moment. The problem is that all of the information is scattered all over the place. If you want local information, there are various websites out there and snippets of information posted all over social media, making it quite a task to sift through all the noise quickly.
We Need Organization and Structure
It is time for our community to have a platform designed for local content. So, we have decided to make one:

GreenevilleTN.com is the first site in our network of town sites. It was initially soft-launched in Feb 2024 and is in contined development. We are releasing new features for the site over the next 6 to 8 months as the site grows in popularity.
JohnsonCity.com will be the second site in the network. It will come with all the features originally built on the first site. The expected soft launch with minimum features will be in early 2025.
KingsportTN.com – late 2025!
BristolTN.com – TBA
BristolVA.com – TBA
NewportTN.com – TBA
BooneNC.com – TBA